Visions 04 — New Website
Upon opening my studio after twelve years at a global design firm, I needed to share my work with design and architectural firms. As a photographer, my first portfolio showing was scheduled before I even had a printed portfolio. I had only transparencies in 4x5 format. Thinking on my feet, I decided that I would place each retail project into an envelope to share them on a small light box. I really didn’t even have the time to edit all the chromes and develop any speaking points. Armed with thirty envelopes and a small light box, I headed to my first portfolio showing.
What happened in the meeting that day changed the way I present my work. At that presentation, several design teams became available and each designer took the time to go through and view each of the projects in their entirety. More light boxes were brought in, and like playing cards, whole projects were laid out in front of them. It was then I realized that designers want to see projects, not images. So when my website became my portfolio, I chose to showcase each project that way.
I’ve always valued my website as an extension of my vision. For the past few months, I’ve been working with a developer to adapt my site, making it more user, Google, and photographer friendly. For you, hopefully it shows a nice range of my work. It has complete project imagery and a small description of each location. Determining what projects I share has always been a huge struggle as I have photographed hundreds of sites over the years-narrowing it to 24 was a challenge.
Aside from the portfolio, the new site features Visions, my blog based upon the recent set of newsletters I’ve been emailing, as well as a downloadable pdf version of a few projects for sharing. I won’t go into much more depth as changes are still in play with the site. but I would love for you to visit and let me know what you think. Feel free to send me an email with suggestions, or a note to say “Hello”.
As always, I appreciate your time, trust, and consideration.