Verizon Destination Santa Monica

Verizon’s Destination Stores are considered the place to go to learn about connectivity. Each store has many zone themed areas where consumers can learn about mobility and on the go lifestyle. From sport metrics, to smart home technology, to business applications, each zone brings forth the way Verizon and mobility connect with everyone. Chute Gerdeman designed a place where shopping and destination collide! The store has design energy and vibrancy needed in today’s shopping environment.
The Destination Stores won many design and fixture awards and were the subject of many articles. You can view the Chicago site here.

Why I show this project…
I love this site because it is less about phones and more about awareness of what a mobile device is. Vignette images of each zone allow the viewer to understand the store as a whole by breaking the store down to controllable visual elements. The overall images show the consumer path through these areas while the lighting and visual touch points act as guides. The Verizon sign with its winding circular staircase adds a nice architectural visual element to the store sightline as well. The many screens were a production nightmare for me as each screen had to be placed in post production, but the final images were well worth the effort.